About the project

How it started

I've always loved fantastic and adventurous movies, their captivating stories fueling my imagination. After completing my studies, as I struggled to find a job that suited me, I decided to embark on a global journey, determined to seek out thrilling experiences.

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From Australia to New Zealand, and then through the vibrant landscapes of Latin America, I finally arrived in Minca, nestled in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. There, I knew I had found the place I was looking for : the mystical aura and breathtaking landscapes of this place surpassed anything I had ever seen before.

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After some time searching for the perfect place for the adventure-filled sanctuary I had been longing for, I settled down deep in the jungle of the Sierra Nevada. I knew I had a lot of work but at least I had finally found the project of my life.

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Building the dream

The project really started in 2017, after buying the land on which everything would be built. The initial phase involved constructing the house, a significant milestone that laid the foundation for what was to come. We also had the difficult task of bringing vital amenities such as water, electricity, and road access to the premises, ensuring a comfortable and functional living space.

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The value of community and collaboration was really important for me during these steps. I actively engaged with my neighbors and the local community, forging strong bonds and collective efforts to realize my dream. Working hand in hand with these dedicated individuals, sharing knowledge, skills, and labor was a way for me to make my mark in the Sierra Nevada.

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As the project advanced, the focus shifted towards sustainability and self-sufficiency. During the last years, we directed our efforts towards planting fruit trees and establishing a flourishing vegetable garden, embracing the principles of permaculture. I also decided to transform the project into a backpacker hostel, a haven for fellow explorers in search of authentic experiences.

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The hostel finally opened in December 2022 and not long after Doris, our beloved Colombian mama, joined the team. Her warmth helped create a welcoming atmosphere and her culinary skills delighted our guests. Volunteers and friends came to help shape a cozy environment and explore the surroundings, creating hiking routes and discovering new viewpoints. Together, we also keep working on the self-sufficiency part of the project, experimenting in the garden and trying out new sources of energy.

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